Thursday, February 26, 2015


Review of yesterday's multiple-choice: trends, what to work on, etc.
Discuss Chronicle of a Death Foretold in groups of 5, examining it in the context of the 1986 Open Question

1986: Some works of literature use the element of time in a distinct way. The chronological sequence of events may be altered, or time may be suspended or accelerated. Choose a novel, an epic, or a play of recognized literary merit and show how the author’s manipulation of time contributes to the effectiveness of the work as a whole.

To break this down:
1) What is/are the meaning(s) of the work as a whole? (e.g. possible themes)
2) How does the manipulation of time help reveal or support this meaning?
3) What evidence (particular scenes/details) might you use to support your ideas?

HW: Critical Annotation #2 due tomorrow: book of poems. Examine the editor's choices in assembling this collection of poems. Pay particular attention to the foreword/preface/table of contents/afterword/back cover as you summarize, assess, and reflect. Revise Critical Annotation #1 if you would like more credit, using my comments to guide you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Multiple-choice practice: Take the passage, then discuss and compare answers, then review

Friday, February 20, 2015


Introduction - The Life and Legacy of Gabriel García Márquez
complete cloze notes
brief biographical video on the life of Gabriel García Márquez from CNN
brief biographical video on the life of Gabriel García Márquez from DemiocracyNow!

Get Chronicle of a Death Foretold; complete reading by Wednesday.

HW: Get Chronicle of a Death Foretold; complete reading by Wednesday. Remember to read actively,

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Front Circle discussions continue

Please turn in reading journals

HW: independent reading--have you been reading lots of poems by your poet? What trends are you noticing?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Finish sharing character poems (from students who were absent)
Continue Front discussions on Open Questions related to Tale of Two Cities

2015 AP Exam Registration flyer
Quick link to Vikings Web Store to purchase exams via credit card (note that a $7 processing fee applies)

Make sure you register for AP English Literature and Composition :-) before 2/27 so you can avoid the $10 per exam late fee!

See Pust for help or questions; see Ms. Chew in M House office, H106, as soon as possible to register in person or if you need financial assistance.

HW: Keep reading your books of poetry. Tomorrow, we'll review the critical annotations and launch the next part. Journals due by Thursday for grading, please.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Share character poems (from students who were absent)
Begin Front discussions on Open Questions related to Tale of Two Cities

HW: Keep reading your books of poetry. Tomorrow, we'll continue to view and score our Front Discussions.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Class presentation on Butterflies Are Free by director Ernest Figueroa and Klarissa Leuterio of the Broad Stage

HW: Complete 1/2 page reflection on today's class: what did you put into it? What did you get out of it?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015


2015 AP Exam Registration flyer
Quick link to Vikings Web Store to purchase exams via credit card (note that a $7 processing fee applies)

Make sure you register for AP English Literature and Composition :-) before 2/27 so you can avoid the $10 per exam late fee!

See Pust for help or questions; see Ms. Chew in M House office, H106, as soon as possible to register in person or if you need financial assistance.


Share character charts from Friday
In groups of 3-4, prep for Open Question in journals--write notes and a full thesis statement after discussing with partners, then share out thesis statements and compare/discuss their merits

HW: Get book of poems by your chosen poet and begin reading. Bring book and your notes on two poems for Wednesday's class.